AIAPGET Mock Test will help you to prepare for Online Exam, Entrance and Competitive exams. Learn and Practice online test for Free and Prepare for your exam online with many free tests and study materials with answers and explanation.
UPSC Pattern mock test
UPSC Pattern Mock Test is exclusively designed for the candidates who wish to practice the online test before the real exams.
Previous Year Solved Question Papers
Homoeokul is offering previous year solved question papers test unit series which is quite useful for the UPSC and other aspirants.
Subject-Wise Preparation
Subject-wise Preparation will help you to prepare for the preliminary exams. Also, know time management and how to make notes that will help candidates during last days.
About Homoeokul
Homoeokul is a pioneer step in the field of Homoeopathy providing a platform to crack any Post Graduate Entrance or Homoeokul competitive exams on your finger tips in a non stressful and user friendly way.
We at Homoeokul offer online mock test, daily question updates, Notes & Mnemonics by our experts on regular basis.
We aren’t huge in head count, just a bunch of young and experienced souls 24x7 looking for ways to make your test preparation effective and efficient. At work, we believe in putting an extra hour so that you can save an extra second attempting a question while taking your exam.
Attempt Online Mock Test Series in real exam interface and check your performance
Subjectwise multiple choices are quite useful for the candidates in terms of quick evaluation
Category wise multiple choices questions is the best feature in app from us
Homoeokul's Notes and Mnemonics helps Helps in comparitive study & easy learing techniques

Dr. Sumit Paliwal